Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Q: Could you shoot a gun from a jet ski?

A:  I have shot a gun in the following situations:

 - While on a jet ski.
 - While making love to a beautiful woman in a hammock suspended between two Black Hawk helicopters
 - While falling backward down a mine shaft.
 - While running down the stairs of the Statue of Liberty, a rare bird in a rare cage in one hand, an antique musket in the other.
 - While ski-diving. From a Space Shuttle.
 - While leaping out of the way of an exploding limousine of the international criminal mastermind who ordered the execution of my wife and family.
 - While soaring across the Snake River Canyon in a homemade rocket.
 - While crawling out of the fiery pits of hell.

As you can see, in my career as an international super cop, I have fired a gun in every conceivable scenario, which more than qualifies for a role in your Burn Notice fan film.

I look forward to your reply, and I thank you in advance for your consideration.

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Ryan Callahan has written, produced, or directed shows for ABC, A&E, SHowtime, The CW, TVLand, Animal Planet and other networks even lower on your dial. When not making TV, or writing fake answers, he reads books, buys books, or buys books to read later. Follow WikiFakeAnswers on Twitter and Facebook