A: No, not all by himself. But an ant can eat a part of an elephant.
What one ant can do, another can do.
Say it with me: What one ant can do, another can do. You can eat part of an elephant. I can eat part of an elephant. Each one of us can eat part of an elephant. If we work together, stay strong, keep fighting, we can eat the whole damn thing. Then we won't have to rebuild a new hill every three days.
Now some of you have suggested that we move. Some of you disagreed with my decision to settle here in this elephant sanctuary. But here we are. Here, we make our stand. This is not the time to cut and run. This is the time to stand and fight. With our mouths.
I'm going to eat that elephant.
What one ant can do another can do.
I'm going to eat that elephant.
Say it with me!
I'm going to eat that elephant.
I'm going to eat that elephant.
I'm going to eat that elephant!
All right! Here he comes. Get ready. We'll attack in waves. The first wave will consist of all the adult males and unattractive females. The second wave will consist of all the attractive females. I will stay behind to lead the second wave into battle once you have weakened the elephant.
Or, should the first wave prove disastrous, I will provide comfort to all your widows and adult daughters. Whatever comfort they need, for as long as they need it.