A: They're most active between the hours of noon and four. Before that, they sleep. After that, they sleep.
If you want to fight an elephant, I'd suggest coming back here around 2PM tomorrow.
If you want fight an elephant, and win, you might want to come before noon. They're pretty sound sleepers. You can do a lot of damage before they even realize they're in a fight.
But once they realize, you better be real good at fighting, or real good at running. If you choose to fight, get ready for the fight of your life. If you choose to run, get used to running forever.
Elephants don't like when people disturb their slumber. Nothing gets them more mad. And they got a might short temper. And a mighty long memory.
You know the old saying, "An elephant never forgets to punish those who cross him."
Yeah, most people only know the shorter saying. The man who populated it was eaten mid-sentence by an elephant.
Most people don't know that.
Most people weren't there to see it happen.