Monday, November 1, 2010

Q: How many children has mountain lions killed?

A: There are no lions in this part of the country, sir.

Nor are there mountains.

So the idea a mountain lion even being in the area is pretty ridiculous. A murderous mountain lion even more so.

And, for that matter, this child wasn't mauled. He was clearly struck with a golf club.

 A murderous, mountain lion who happens to be an avid golfer? I'm sorry sir. That just don't pass the sniff test.

You're going to want to come up with another alibi.

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Ryan Callahan has written, produced, or directed shows for ABC, A&E, SHowtime, The CW, TVLand, Animal Planet and other networks even lower on your dial. When not making TV, or writing fake answers, he reads books, buys books, or buys books to read later. Follow WikiFakeAnswers on Twitter and Facebook