A: Here at Autozone, we sell only the finest car parts and accessories, from name brand manufactures. You won't find a second-hand part here at Autozone. Every single part and accessory in the store comes straight from the factory, complete with a guarantee; if it doesn't work, you -
- Sir! Sir, are you okay? Do you need help? Should I pick you up, or should I call 911?
I'm sorry, sir, I can't understand you. You'll have to speak clearly. Use your words. I don't understand your metallic, clanging language.
Where are those flashing lights coming from?
Why did you paint your body silver? And how do you make it so smooth and shiny?
I don't understand sign language. What are you trying to say?
You're pointing at your chest ... Heart. Is that it sir? Are you a fan of the band Heart?
What is that beeping?
Heart ... Heart ...
Sir, please don't pull up your shirt, this is a family store.
Now you're pointing at the gaping hole in your chest. Heartless. You're heartless. Is that it? You're a heartless monster who will die alone!
I didn't mean to get so excited. I probably shouldn't have yelled that. I'm sure your kids love you.
Okay, sir, I can figure this out.
We're going to need a clean up in aisle 8. Bring a mop. There's a lot of oil.