A: Sometimes people cry because they're hurt, because they've had their heart broken, because they person they loved more than anything looked them in the eye and said, "It's over."
Sometimes people cry because they're filled with regret, because they're thinking about all the good times, all the laughter, all the dancing, all the nights that lasted forever - bodies tangled, bodies screaming, bodies moving together as one - all of it, gone. Gone forever.
Sometimes people cry because they blame themselves, because their mind races, searching for answers - What could I have done? Where did this go wrong? Why did this happen? Will I ever be happy? - answers they know they will never get.
And sometimes people cry because they're in pain - literal, physical pain - because they held the knife wrong when they stabbed you. All that blood made the knife real slippery. And I didn't expect you to squirm so much.
Don't worry, I'll be fine. But I'd feel a lot better if you begged some more.