A: Is this a hypothetical question?
Or, is there something you want to tell me? I ask because you seem to be upset; you're shaking, you're sweating and you've been hysterically crying since you walked in the door. That's not like you.
It's also not like you to park in the yard. Usually, you park in the garage. So, that's odd.
I also find it odd that you tracked all that blood and broken glass into the house. You know how I feel about broken glass in the house. It makes it hard for me to walk around barefoot. You know that. I assumed you knew how I felt about blood in the house. But, since I never sat down and told you, I can't hold it against you.
For the record, I am against it.
Based on the blood, and the broken glass, and your hysterical crying, and the child stuck to your bumper, I'm going to assume that the driver in question is you. If that's the case, if my assumption is correct, your license will be revoked.
Not that you'll need a license where you're going.
You're going to the basement, to hide for a few years until this whole thing blows over. It will be just like when you were a kid, except we won't have to worry about your mother badgering me with all those questions about where you are. I hated having to lie to her.
Now, get down in the basement. Your cage is exactly how you left it. I didn't touch a thing. Not even your cat. She's probably dead now. But, at least you'll have something to eat.