A: You can follow as many people as you like, for as long as you care, with any computer, smartphone, tablet or wireless device you choose.
As long as you only follow them on the internet, from the comfort of your own home.
Once you start following people in person - in groceries stores, shopping malls, comic-book conventions, at youth-league soccer games, up the stairs of their home as they flee, as they throw lamps and vases and tables and pets behind them to slow your pursuit - you are no longer engaging in a "free wheeling exchange of ideas," you are engaging in stalking.
We have laws against that. Not pretend, internet laws that result in "Unfollows" and "Defriending," but real, enforceable laws that result in arrest and incarceration.
So I'm going to need you to step away from the door, drop your iPad, put your hands behind your head and face the wall.
Yes, I do have a twitter feed. You can follow me at @ItchyTriggerFinger. Would you like to guess why I use that name? I'll give you a hint: it's not rash related.