A: As long as the court feels that the child can make an informed decision, age doesn't matter.
Even if age did matter, it wouldn't be a factor in your case.
As a 33 year old man, you do not qualify as a minor. You can choose to live with whomever you like.
However, it is the opinion of this court that you find your own place, get out of the house once in a while, and try talking to a girl.
Maybe if you had done that sooner, your parents would still be married, instead of torn apart by the constant financial and emotional strain of caring for a man who refuses to work, or help around the house, or sleep in his own bed.
I'm not saying this is all your fault. Legally, I can't.
But, if you were my son, I would have locked you in the fridge until you suffocated and told the police that you are very bad at hide and seek.
Obviously your father and I have different parenting styles.