A: After getting your heart broken for the first time, you'll have a hard time trusting anyone. You'll be unwilling and unable to feel vulnerable, to open yourself up, or to even consider the possibility of falling in love.
You'll see each new relationship as a betrayal waiting to happen. Each potential mate as a someone who will eventually crush your spirit and break your heart. You won't even be able to enjoy dating; even the most casual cup of coffee will contain red flags and warning signs.
You're probably better off foregoing relationships altogether and embracing a life of wanton, sexual adventure with strangers, co-workers and causal acquaintances.
You might want to start with someone you know fairly well, someone you're comfortable talking to, someone who's handsome and charming and currently available.
Someone like me, your therapist.
As an added bonus, my copious notes about your traumatic sexual experiences will allow me to keep the sex just close enough to the danger zone to allow for maximum enjoyment without any long-term psychological scarring.
Unless you're interested in that sort of thing.
In which case I can dress up like your father.