A: Sometimes, the word refers to the poles of the earth. The north and south poles. The top and bottom of the world.
In your case, we use the term to mean "diametrically opposite." Two things that couldn't be less alike.
For instance, your moods. Sometimes you are really, really happy and energetic and driven. You want to do everything! Other times, you are really, really sad and morose and apathetic. You don't want to do anything.
We call the first mood mania and the last mood depression. Most people have those moods, and, many, many others. You only have the two moods; you are either manic or depressive. One or the other. All the time. Wildly swinging back and forth at the drop of a hat.
You are manic-depressive. When we refer to you as bi-polar, that's what we mean.
We don't mean you are like a polar bear, like that one polar bear in that Coke commercial.
It is not a term of endearment. It is a diagnosis.
Please stop giggling.
They're going to take your kids away.