A: I believe, and I think my opponent would agree with me, that the most important qualification is experience.
Real world experience. Not political experience.
Life experience.
Experience doing things. Experience building things. That's what matters. Not experience living off the taxpayers and making laws and making false promises.
Now, you're going to hear my opponent use a lot of big words tonight. You're going to hear her say things like "diabolical" and "meglomaniacal" and "super-villain."
Now, I admit, I have some made some mistakes in my life. I did things I shouldn't have. But what young man or woman hasn't?
Who among us can say, can honestly say, that they did everything right? That they never said the wrong thing? That they never did the wrong things? That they never acted selfishly? That they never held the city hostage by threatening to poison the water supply?
We all make mistakes. Mine have just been more public.
Sure, some of you might say that I bring it on myself, by wearing this mask, and this costume, and traveling in this giant, robotic ape.
Pardon me if I have a flair for the dramatic. Pardon me if I am proud of my accomplishments.
I built this giant, robotic ape with my own hands,with my own design. I've been doing things like this, building things like this, for my entire life.
Building things. Doing things. In the real world.
In a word, experience.
When you go to the polls next week, vote for experience. Vote for Dr. Nitro.
Yes, I many have been a super-villain.
But at least I was super at something.
If only my opponent could say the same.