A: Define corrupt.
Would a government, that takes millions of dollars in foreign aid and then spends that money to make a series of short films based on the President's dreams, be corrupt?
Would a government, that takes those same films, plays them in every theatre in the country, and forces all the residents to pay for it, be corrupt?
Would a government, that takes all the revenue from these films and uses it to finance a giant theme park, where rich industrialist from all over the world get the opportunity to hunt some of our poorest citizens for sport, be corrupt?
Oh, it would?
That's what corruption means?
I had no idea. Seriously. I've been defending this government for years, all over the world. In the press and everything. I feel terrible. Just terrible.
There's only one way I'm going to feel better. I need to go hunt some peasants at Most Dangerous Gameland. I hear they let you use a trident now.