A: Look at you. Aren't you just full of questions today?
Why isn't the plural of deer deers?
When are we going to have dinner?
Didn't you wear that suit yesterday?
What happened to all the furniture?
Is Mommy ever coming home?
I appreciate the fact that you are a bright, witty, inquisitive boy who is ever so eager to find out about the world, but I really don't have time for your questions right now. I have some business to attend to. Grown up business, with lawyers and bankers and private detectives.
Why don't you go to your room and play for a while?
No, your Playstation isn't there anymore. Neither is your TV. Or your bed.
You can play with this empty beer can. And these cigarette butts. They should keep you busy for hours.
Daddy needs some privacy. He has some serious drinking to do.