A: You could use a fan, or a hair dryer, or wave your brochure back and forth real fast over the painting.
No matter what you do, the paint probably won't dry fast enough. At least not fast enough for you to escape.
I think people are on to you.
Hear those sirens? And all those people screaming?
And see those security guards running over here?
That's all because of you. Everyone's kind of ... freaking out.
They seem to have a problem with your creativity, and the way you express yourself.
Personally, I think you are right. The Mona Lisa was lacking something.
Specifically, a shoulder mounted laser and a cybernetic walrus sidekick. I think your additions really improve the painting.
But what do I know?
But I'm not an art critic.
I'm just an imaginary man who lives in your right ear.